Monomi is Mon Ami. The Caveman does sunset near Mt. Monomi.

Sunset from Monomi Iwa


I wasn't planning on hiking yesterday but my gym was full so I shifted gears and went to the mountains.  I initially planned on just doing some bushwhacking/trail running to bag a particular unimportant peak (Mt. Myogen).  It's not got any trails to it and there are no views.  It's only utility is for me to add another peak to my count (894) so I won't blog about that.

Anyway, it was a really gorgeous afternoon and I decided to make another quick run up to a viewpoint in the area to catch the sunset after I finished the first run.  It's kind of a bookend I guess.  I went to the same general area to catch the sunrise just last month.

Location:  Mt. Monomi 物見山

Starting and stopping point:  Uchiyama Bokujo Campground

Peaks bagged: Mt. Monomi (物見山)

(First-time) peaks XX

Getting there/getting around:  My trusted car

Map:  Yama to Kogen Chizu #21 西上州 妙義山・荒船山

Weather Information: Mt. Monomi's weather

Total Time:  :49 Break time: :08  Distance:  3.5km 

Elevation:  Lowest: 1,228m  Highest: 1,375m Total Ascent: 266m   Total Descent: 266m

Technical considerations/difficulty:  A lot of this is runnable.

Facilities:  There is a public restroom and a free parking lot by the campground.   Arafune Panorama Campfield

Thoughts/observations/recommendations:  There are a lot of deer in this area.  The trail runs beside a cow pasture.  I've never seen cows there myself, but have seen pictures.


From the Uchiyama Wireless Relay Tower Observation Deck

Monomi Ahead

Still from the Uchiyama Wireless Observation Deck

Mt. Haruna, Akagi are out there.

If you want a loooooong video with music.

Here are links to a few other trips I've made to Monomi.

That's all for today.  Caveman, out.

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