Showing posts with label dayhike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dayhike. Show all posts

Caveman hikes and bikes. Saku City to Mt. Otake via the twin ponds


Caveman hikes and bikes.  Saku City to Mt. Otake via the twin ponds

Greetings, cavedwellers!

Here's a hike after a long up-hill bike ride for you.

Location:  Saku City, Nozawa ~ Mt. Otake, Sakuho

Starting and stopping point:  Riding, Saku City, Nozawa.  Hiking, the Futago Ike Hutte ("Twin Pond Hut")

Peaks bagged: Mt. Otake (大岳)

(First-time) peaks #886

Getting there/getting around:  

  • I took my bicycle up the Tateshina Skyline.  That road is closed to cars because of snow until about June.  
  • I'm not sure where people who stay at the Futago Ike Hutte park.  There is a parking lot near the hut, but that is accessed by a 林道 (forest road) that is off-limits to regular cars.  Perhaps their patrons park at the Ogawahara Pass.  That's about a 3~4km walk away, back on the Tateshina Skyline.


山と高原地図 八ヶ岳 蓼科・美ヶ原・霧ヶ峰 2024 **Please note that the publisher makes updated maps every year and therefore this link might become obsolete.  If you copy and paste the Japanese characters into Shobunsha (Mapple)'s site, you should be able to find the latest version.

Weather Information: Kitayokodake English Mountain Weather Forecast Yokodake

Time and elevation:

Total Time:   9:41 Break time: 1:36  Distance:  bicycle: 52.5km  hiking 5.7km  

Elevation:  Lowest: 672m Highest: 2,380m 

Total ascent/descent 2,041m/2,037m

Ascent:  bicycle: 1,592m      hiking:    449m

Descent: bicycle: 1,606m     hiking:      431m

Technical considerations/difficulty:  

This ride is a pain in the butt, literally.  It's a long bike ride!  Saku City is in a river valley and the goal is high up in the mountains, so it's a long, up-hill climb.  The Tateshina Skyline, which goes from Saku on the east to Ikenotaira on the west via the Ogawahara Pass is unrelentingly steep.  My average speed going up was about 7.5 km/h, going down, it was 37 km/h.  Often, I was going 48 km/h downhill.  Zoom. 🚀

The hike is fairly arduous.  It's steep and much of it is across boulder fields.  You can't make very good time because you really have to choose where to put your feet for each step.  There is still snow between the boulders in May, so it is necessary to be especially cautious.


This is the link to the lodge and campground and hut at the Futago Ike.  It also covers the Tateshina Sanso.  If you want to stay there, you need reservations.  They're open from the end of April to November.  Tateshina2531  They have food.  Pay toilets.  They're fairly serious about keeping the two ponds clean.  The campsites are well away from the shores and they don't allow you to bring food or any bags near the water.


That was fun.  I didn't go nearly as far on this trek as I had planned.  My plan was to go beyond Otake to Kitayokodake and to make a wide loop back to the Futago Ike.  That seemed similar in distance and elevation to a biking/hiking trek I made last year to Futagoyama and Tateshina.  See last year's post.  The hike up from the Futagoike was more arduous than the hike up to Tateshina though so I cut it short.  That's ok.  I don't want to exhaust all of my hiking opportunities too quickly.  As it is, I probably have only 2 or 3 more hikes on the Yatsugatake Range until I've walked it from one end to the other.

Bring water.  There are waterholes on the map that don't seem to exist on the ground.  There is one stream on the Tateshina Skyline between JAXA and the trailhead that is always running.  It's in the area where you start to encounter a lot of private mountain retreats.

Let's look at some pictures.

First, the bicycle portion

Tateshina Skyline


temp. of 3 celsius (37f)

rice field looking at Tateshina

Looking at Mt. Asama

rice field looking at Asama

sunrise over spring rice field

beginning of the Tateshina Skyline

"Road closed ahead"

"Road closed ahead"

This is about halfway up the Tateshina Skyline.  I would get off it just before the Ogawaratoge Pass.
Lake Misasako (Beautiful Bamboo Grass Lake) is a small pond popular with fishermen.  It's a frequent destination for one of my shorter bike rides.  There is also an outdoor speedskating rink right around the corner from it.  That was a neat discovery.

On the way up the Tateshina Skyline, you encounter the 
Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency's (JAXA) deep space exploration site.
There are several dishes like this in the area.  The skies here are good for looking at stars.

JAXA dish

Just after the JAXA site the road is closed until June because of snow.  I don't think they need to worry about that this year.  All the snow's melted off the road already.

Just short of the Ogawahara Pass, I left the pavement and took a 林道 --forest road--for another few kilometers to the trailhead.

Now, the hike

Google earth of hike to Otake from Futago Ike

After parking my bike, I took a quick look at one of the twin ponds.  They're low this year.
Note the snow on the far shore.

You can stay in the hut or camp here.  There's a link above.

Futago Ike Hut

Starting out . . .

There are a lot of boulders around here.  They are cool looking but demand a lot of attention and make for slow going.
Boulders near futago ike

More boulders near Futago Ike

I was rewarded with this view of Mt. Akadake (Red Peak) from the top of Mt. Otake (Big Peak).  Akadake is one of the 100 Famous Mountains.  Check out this post (after you finish this one.😉)
Akadake from Otake

Lunch was peanut butter on homemade banana bread on the top of Mt. Otake.  Oh my God, that was good.

hiking lunch

Usually I don't eat on hiking days until I get to the highest peak of the day--and that was my plan for today.  I burned off so many calories on the bike ride though that I dug into my emergency stash of food and started eating long before lunch.  That was good, too.  My dad always said that everything tastes better in the woods.  He was right.

Another view from the top

Akadake from the top of Otake

Looking east toward Mt. Arafune and Gunma

Arafune etc from Otake on Yatsugatake

Looking southwest toward Saitama and Yamanashi.  The pond in the foreground is Amaike.  (Rain Pond)
Amaike below

Mt. Tateshina, one of the 100 Famous Mountains, is the one on the left

Tateshina from Otake

Back down to the twin ponds.  This is the eastern one.

futago ike

Futago Ike

Well, that's all for today.  If you want to see a similar excursion, check this on out.

Make sure you subscribe.  Google is trying to pretend I don't exist.  I think they've overheard me talking (or thinking) about them and aren't happy.

Caveman out

Sunrise from Mt. Monomi. 物見山の日の出

Mt. Monomi Sunrise 物見山の日の出

Location:  Mt. Monomi 物見山

Starting and stopping point:  Uchiyama Bokujo Campground

Peaks bagged: Mt. Monomi (物見山)

(First-time) peaks XX

Getting there/getting around:  My trusted car

Map:  Yama to Kogen Chizu #21 西上州 妙義山・荒船山

Weather Information: Mt. Monomi's weather

Total Time:  1:49 Break time: :42  Distance:  5.81km 

Elevation:  Lowest: 1,228m  Highest: 1,373m Total Ascent: 355m   Total Descent: 355m

Technical considerations/difficulty:  A lot of this is runnable.

Facilities:  There is a public restroom and a free parking lot by the campground.   Arafune Panorama Campfield

Thoughts/observations/recommendations:  There are a lot of deer in this area.  The trail runs beside a cow pasture.  I've never seen cows there myself, but have seen pictures.

Here are links to a few other trips I've made to Monomi.

No comments today.  Just look at the videos.

Caveman out

Mt Buko again (June 2021 repost)

 S'up caveboys and cavegals?

I have wanted to climb Buko since first seeing the rocky profile of the quarry on its north side last year.  I came in March with a colleague and a friend of his, but the weather didn't allow us to see anything from the top.  I went back today.  The view was better.  Not a spectacular day, but better.

If you spent all the time and money I did studying Japanese, you'd understand that this sign says, 
"No Sad Birds Allowed."

This is the marker for the top of Mt Buko.

It says on the left post "Bukosan Yokozemachi (the town's name)"
On the right, "Elevation: 1,304 meters"

武甲山 Mt. Buko

Looking down on Chichibu City.

Directly below this fence is the quarry which makes up the north side of the mountain.  You can't see it from here, though.

Those dogs were barking.

Have a good one.


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Caveman out

January hike in Yamanashi Mt Takashiba, Yanagisawanoto, Hanzenoto (Repost from 2021)

 Blogger lost this so I am reposting it.

Went to Yamanashi to hike a lesser-used trail.  It was cold on the way out on my scooter.  

It was about an 18 km walk.  I started at the Daibosatsu Trailhead and hiked up a ridgeline to Hanzenoto.  On the return, I descended to Yanagisawa Pass and walked be along Route 411 to where I started.  The street gave much better views than hiking through the woods had.

Fuji was quite visible today.  I got so many beautiful pictures of it.  It is hard to choose just one or two.

There really isn't much snow around this year.

Took this from the フルーツライン ("Fruit Line"--a road lined with vineyards and orchards) on the way home.

Thanks for looking.  Hope you enjoyed it.

Make sure you follow me by email so you get updated.  I won't do anything else with your email address.
You can trust me.  I'm not like the others.

Caveman out.

Low and local Hikeling to Mazukari and Komyo in Tokyo (Repost from March, 2021)

 (Blogger lost this so I'm reposting it.)

This day I wanted to take advantage of the warmer weather and ride my bike a bit as well as go hiking.  Over these past several months while snow has made bicycling less attractive, I've been going farther from home and taking much longer hikes in higher elevations.  This trek was a return to my roots in a way; combining riding and hiking in places closer to home.  It was a few years ago that I got really bitten by the mountain bug and it was making trips like I did today that hooked me.

I remember one day that was particularly pivotal.  Occasionally I used to go on what I used to think of as long bike rides (10 miles or so) to the local tourist area.  One day on one of these trips I made a split-second decision to turn onto a gravel road.  I didn't think it would be a big deal, but it turned out to be really something.  That road happened to follow a beautiful stream--and there was nobody around.  Eventually, the gravel road became a dirt trail.  That eventually became a footpath.  I got off the bike and followed the footpath.  Soon enough, I found myself on top of a mountain!  It was really a eureka moment.  That was the beginning of my discovery of the intertwining networks of maintenance roads, logging roads, bike trails, hiking trails and forest ranger roads of the Japanese forests.  I have loved these discoveries so much.  Since then I have been on a kind of mission to hike or bike every trail, path, road or street.

There is so much beauty to be seen and shared and much, if not most, of what I've been blessed to see is not in the guidebooks.

Since I returned to the roots today and was biking before hiking, I thought I would show a picture from my apartment before getting on the bike.  (I love the views from our place.  Not only are the mountains beautiful, but when I see the mountains in profile, I am reminded of so many good times with my family or friends on particular mountains we've been together.)

mazukari and komyo from Akishima

This picture is from later in the morning from a spot between the two peaks I visited.  The low visibility is a bummer.  I've seen as far as Izu Peninsula from this spot.


This is the bike portion.  My place is on the east.  The mountains are to the west.  That long, brown patch to the north northwest of our place is Yokota USAF Base.
Akishima Mitake Otake map

This is on the way.  I didn't  bother taking pictures on the way, but much of the trip is along the Tama River which is lined with cherry trees.  Absolutely beautiful at this time of year.  The lighting yesterday just wasn't good enough to get pictures that did them justice though.

This is a recreational business on the Akigawa River called Jurigi Land.  You can rent a spot for the day to have a cookout.  I took the picture just because I like the Easter Island figure.  It weighs 6 tons.   (  Opens on April 2.  Nearest station is Musashi Itsukaichi.)

This is the hike for the day.

My bike is parked on the bottom left of the screen next to the Yozawa River.  It's a popular place for fly fishing trout.  The building with the green roof used to be an elementary school.  Like many other schools, it's fallen into disuse because there aren't enough kids.  :-(  Now it is used as a kind of experiential nature museum.

Unfortunately, it was a hazy day.  This was my only view of Fuji all day.

Spring is springing.

My last landmark before getting to the bicycle was the Seoto no Yu onsen.  Nice place.

Seoto no yu after hiking 瀬音の湯

Feel free to use the footbath, but make sure to social distance!  

More soon, I hope.  Subscribe so you can be kept posted.  

Caveman out.