Showing posts with label Gunma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gunma. Show all posts

Not too high, but a bit spicy. Mt. Kuwagara and Mt. Ogeta in Gunma.

What's up, cavecrawlers?

Another day, another mountain (or two).

Location:  Tomioka City, Gunma

Starting and stopping point:  Parking Spot

Peaks bagged: Kuwagaradake (鍬柄岳) Ogeta (大桁山)

(First-time) peaks #840 and #841

Getting there/getting around:  

I drove.  There are a few different parking areas.  Getting to the parking lot was a bit nerve-racking.  It meant driving several km on a very narrow road that is strewn with fallen leaves and branches.  The road was so narrow that I don't know what you would do if you encountered a car coming the other way.

The nearest train station is Sendaira (千平) on the Joshin Dentetsu Line which runs between Shimonita and Takasaki.

Map:  Yama to Kogen Chizu #21 西上州 妙義山・荒船山

Weather Information: Kuwagara's Weather

Total Time: 2:23  Break time: 3  Distance:  7.1km

Elevation:  Lowest:  334m Highest: 831m Total Ascent: 683m  Total Descent: 673m

Technical considerations/difficulty:  The hike to Ogeta is fairly straightforward.  There are some steep parts but no chains or ladders to speak of.  The detour up to Kuwagara on the way is another story.  That is a large boulder and has a loooong steep section with chains.  This part had the best (only, really) views but isn't for the faint of heart.  It was a bit spicy.

Facilities:  There is one public restroom by one of the parking lots I passed on the way down.  There's nothing on the trail.

Thoughts/observations/recommendations:  It was fun.  You should do it.  I wouldn't say it should be at the top of your bucketlist, but if you're starting to scrape the barrel for ideas you might go here.

Today's listening:  

Bible in a Year

Winston Churchill on A Short History Of

Since I had limited time for this hike, I bopped over into Gunma and hiked for just about 2.5 hours.  

I was only a few miles from Mt. Myogi but didn't get to see it clearly.  😢

Here's a map and then some pictures.

This is visible from the parking lot.

This is the access road.  The picture makes it look better than it is.

Not to far up the trail is the trail junction with a little spur off to Kuwagaradake.  From there it is only about 10 minutes to get to the top of the rock.

This is the beginning of the chains.  You need the chain all the way to the top.

I usually don't like to leave my pack anywhere because I'm paranoid of being separated from my stuff in case of emergency.  Seeing how steep the wall was, though, I decided to leave it for this short excursion.
I'm glad I did.  It would have been too unwieldly.

Looking east toward Gunma and Tochigi beyond.

The top?

Maybe that's the top?

Maybe that is the tippy-top ahead.  No thanks, though.  Mrs. Caveman is too young to be a widow.  The picture doesn't really capture it but there is nothing below to stop you if for some reason you were to fall.  If I were able to hook onto the chain or if there was someone with me I would do it but not alone.

Below the rock, back on the hiking trail.

We interrupt our regularly-scheduled programming for this important announcement.

Nearing the top of Ogeta

The top of Ogeta.  Mostly obstructed views.

That's Mt. Myogi through the trees.  I wish it was visible.  It's a cool looking collection of rocks.

There's still some fall foliage around.

Exorcism on Aisle 3. Onioshidashi Volcanic Park, Tsumagoi, Gunma

Mrs. Caveman combined a little leaf peeping with some lava leering yesterday.  We dropped by the Onioshidashi Volcanic Park just below the volcano, Mt. Asama.  It was even cooler than I imagined.  If you can get there, go.  Admission is 700 yen for adults.

A word about the name, Oni Oshi Dashi is a compound of the words for "demon/ogre" 👹, "push" and "out."  The name probably is meant to evoke the thoughts of the locals watching eruptions back in the day.  It certainly could cause one to think the earth was spewing something evil--kind of like Linda Blair's green vomit scene in the Exorcist.

My only regret is that it was a bit cloudy.  It was still impressive but I couldn't help but thinking how amazing this would be on a super clear day. 

I'm not going to comment much because I already have something else I'd like to blog about and the pictures say more than I could.  

The Lennon family visited in 1977.  John loved nearby Karuizawa.

That's Mount Asama

They also call this one Godzilla.  I still see King Kong.
Does that mean I fail the Rorrock test?

Can you spot the Karuizawa Toy Kingdom in this picture?

Phosphorescent moss

This one is a dog.  I can see that.

Can you spot the face in the next rock?
It made me nostalgic for New Hamphire's Old Man of the Mountain.

These last few are not from the Onioshidashi Park.  We dropped by the Asama Otaki (Asama Big Falls) before going home.  They are about a 15 minute drive from the volcanic park.

That's all for now. 

Caveman out.

Take care