Yunomaru 〜 Miharashidake 〜 Ikenotaira Swamp

Mirror Pond at Ikenotaira Swamp

Location:  Nagano/Gunma

Starting and stopping point:  Yunomaru Pass

Peaks bagged: Miharashidake (見晴岳) ~~ Sanpogamine (三方ヶ峰)

(First-time) peaks # 815 and 816

Getting there/getting around:  I drove.  There used to be a bus service, but not anymore.  The nearest stations are Shigeno, Komoro or Sakudaira.  A taxi from one of those stations runs between ¥6,500 and almost ¥18,000.  (The ¥18,000 is for a 9-passenger vehicle from the farthest station.  It's actually pretty cheap if you can split the fare between 9 people.)  

I parked at the Yunomaru area and it's free.  There is paid parking right next to the Ikenotaira Swamp if you don't want to do any strenuous walking and just want to walk around the swamp.  That parking lot, and the road to it, is only open during the day and is not open at all in the off-season. 

Map: Yama to Kogen Chizu 19 浅間山軽井沢・長野原の山々ASAMA-YAMA KARUIZAWA-NAGANOHARA-MOUNTAINS

Weather Information:  Asama Weather

Total Time:   1:35 Break time:  :00 Distance:  7.1 km

Elevation:  Lowest: 1,731 m  Highest: 2,095 m  Total Ascent:   445 m Total Descent: 445 m

Technical considerations/difficulty:  This is a great place for trail running.  Much of it is a trail lined with trimmed-back bamboo grass.  The portion through the swamp is a sturdy boardwalk.  There are no ladders or chains.  The only ropes are to keep people on the trail.  


The area around the Jizo Pass/Yunomaru Hotel is really happening.  There is a ski area, gift shops, the aforementioned hotel and a restaurant or two.  I also thought the GMO high altitude training center was cool.  Olympians train there.  Check out their link.  You can view their site in English.

GMO  high altitude training center

There is hiking information at the Yunomaru Visitor's Center Yunomaru Visitor's Center.

I parked in that area for free.  If you're lazy and just want to walk through the swamp, you can drive up to the (paid) parking lot at Ikenotaira.  Parking is seasonal and only open from 7:00am to 4:00pm.  Regular cars cost 600 yen.  Ikenotaira Visitor's Center


I had planned on just going for a walk along a nearby river after school yesterday but the mountains caught my eye when I was driving there.  I'm glad I have a lot of hikes planned.  I was able to choose one on the fly.

Today's listening: The Bible in a Year

Here are some pictures.

I didn't realize how popular this place is for running until I came here.

That's Mt. Kurofu and Mt. Asama in the background.  I was there three days ago.

Yunomaru Visitor's Center

Well, that's all for today.  Come again.

Caveman out.

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