Location: Komoro, Nagano
Starting and stopping point: Kurumazaka Pass
Peaks bagged: Takamine (高峰) ~~ Mt. Mizunoto (水の塔山) ~~ Higashikagonoto (東篭の登山) ~~ Nishikagonoto (西篭の登山)
(First time climbed) peaks #805, 806, 807 and 808
Getting there/getting around: I drove. There is seasonal bus service to the Takamine Kogen Hotel from Sakudaira Station. It's 54 minutes from Sakudaira to the hotel. Sakudaira is about 2 hours from Tokyo on the shinkansen.
Map: Yama to Kogen Chizu 19 浅間山軽井沢・長野原の山々ASAMA-YAMA KARUIZAWA-NAGANOHARA-MOUNTAINS
Weather Information: Asama Weather
Total Time: 4:38 Break time: :31 Distance: 11.9 km
Elevation: Lowest: 1,998 m Highest: 2,228 m Total Ascent: 814m Total Descent: 817m
Technical considerations/difficulty: Fairly straightforward hike. No chains or ladders to speak of. It's got a few spots above the treeline but it isn't that exposed.
Facilities: The Kurumazaka Pass has a well-appointed visitor's center with lots of parking, a snack bar and some hiking goods for sale. On the way, I passed an onsen. On the trail there is no water and no restrooms.
Thoughts/observations/recommendations: What a nice day.
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