Where are you from?

 I'm looking at the statistics on my blog and I am seeing people viewing it from every continent.  That makes me curious.  Who are you?  How did you end up at my blog?  Have we met?

Anyway, whoever and wherever you are, I hope you enjoy this blog.  I try to pass on beautiful things that I come across and hope it brightens your day.  If you're in Japan and are able to pick up some ideas for places to go and things to do, I'm really happy.


  1. Hey buddy! This is a great blog. I'm Kevin in Tokyo. We've met.
    The water from your thermos bottle tastes like "essence of coffee." Maybe there's a marketable product in there somewhere but I doubt it...

  2. Kevin who nearly broke his ankle on Mt Bandai? Hardcore.

  3. Hey Pat- its Anita! I signed up when I found your link in one of your emails to me… I love hiking and always looking for info on where to go. I would love to tag along on one of your hikes, but if the mountains are your escape, then you probably prefer to ruck it alone… :-)

  4. Hi Anita!
    Nice to see you again yesterday. Sorry I had to run. We'll have to go sometime. I'd have extended a specific invite before but it's usually tough because I tend to go when/where other people can't. Weekdays via bike or scooter. Let me know what area you're interested in.


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