

This is a request for you cavedweller types.  

I'm trying to figure out how to link to GPX files so I can show more interactive maps on the blog.  Do me a solid, will ya?  Click on the links below and leave a comment to let me know if you see an interactive map or not.  So far it hasn't worked for me.  Thanks!

TCX Hachioji Castle




  1. For TCX Hachioji Castle returned 'Access denied' (Request access, or switch to an account with access.) The other two were only raw data.

    Pat, have you thought about embedding your maps on your blog using RWGPS https://ridewithgps.com/help/sharing-on-your-own-website I'm pretty sure even with the free version it allows you do this however you'll need a premium account to include the POIs.

    Another option to consider is Google MyMaps. This Japanese blogger does that for his Hokkaido canoe routes. E.g., http://hokkaicamp.com/canoe/river_info/tesio/index.htm. It doesn't give elevation profiles though.

    1. Thanks, David.
      I'll try and puzzle through this stuff in the next couple of days. It looks like there won't be much hiking in the near future since tsuyu has arrived.

  2. Not working for me either... The TCX file said I needed access. The other two opened in miles of code. Interactive maps do sound great!


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